How Do You Measure ROI for Social Media?

Clear results inform the decision to start, continue, or stop any initiative. In traditional advertising it’s vital to know if efforts made on behalf of the company are truly producing the projected results. Look at television, radio, and print ads. Are these mediums driving more people into the store and are they driving up sales? …

How The Healthcare Industry Uses Social Media

Social media may seem like an ancient concept to those of us who live and breathe it, but there are still many industries growing in their own usage of social media as they discover its value and use in bringing people together. Industries that have the most issues with social media are heavy regulated ones …

How Twitterchats Build Your Brand

The micro-blogging social network, Twitter, is famous for its 140-character limit. At the beginning, its detractors claimed it was a network where people shared information of little value. Twitter has played a major role in crisis communication, breaking news, and customer service. We’d like to teach YOU to harness the power of Twitter to build …

Have you prepared an online video marketing strategy?

Video is an important medium that has taken over the online world. Users are consuming video at an astounding rate and marketers should be aware of how they can take advantage of all the eyeballs viewing videos around the world. No matter the size of your brand, how can you share your story and, most …

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