With companies investing in mobile apps to make it easy for to access content on the go, conduct business, and create content, it’s no surprise that mobile usage will overtake desktop usage in 2014. This means that users have options to do what, even ten years ago, was not possible.
As a small business it helps to have these tools on the go. Our very own Founder and CEO, Magaly Chocano, started this company from the ground up and knows how vital mobile tools can be for managing your business. Today we work with clients with their own stories, their own needs, and we work to provide for them the tools they need either internally for their clients or externally for their customers.
We have determined the top five mobile apps for smartphones that small business owners can’t live without. Now that’s not to say there aren’t other apps that are particularly useful for individual users, but we selected these because of their popularity and their multi-platform presence. This seems to please both the iOS and Android users.
Top 5 Business Apps
Dropbox – The beauty of Dropbox is having access to all of your files, large and small, of all types, without having to open or store them on your mobile device. With Dropbox, you can share files with others (super helpful if they are too large for mobile, or a file type you can’t open on mobile), store audio, videos, photos, and text files for later referencing. You can access your files from anywhere since it syncs with other mobile devices, desktops, and laptops.
Square – Accept mobile payments without the need of any clunky machinery. This portable card reader accepts most major credit cards, and turns your mobile device into a POS device. The process is secure, safe, and use heavily even inside some brick and mortar locations as an attachment to their registers.
Skype – Whether you’re working with people in the next room or across the world, Skype has proven itself time and time again as a reliable source for face to face calls. It’s a great way to work with others and even share files. Don’t feel like making a call? Not a problem with this app because you can chat in real time and send files (video, audio, text, photo) to the person that needs it.
PayPal – Digital wallets are on the rise and PayPal is the most popular option out there. Accept an account to account payment, send invoices through services like Freshbooks that allow people to pay online to a Paypal account. PayPal also offers debit card services so you can get a card and make business purchases as you need straight from your PayPal account.
Tripit – Not everyone can afford a personal assistant or secretary to manage their day. Thank goodness for tools like Tripit that serve as the personal itinerary manager for everywhere you are traveling. Keep track of flights, car rentals, dinner meetings, you name it.
This is just our personal list of favorites, but we want to hear what you’re using, what you recommend, and why! This list is just a very small portion of what’s out there, so let’s get the conversation. What can’t you live without?
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