It’s never unusual to find our team digging through sites like Reddit, Digg, or even wading through our RSS feeds to catch up on what is happening in our industry. We love sharing what we’re reading so here’s a sampling of what we found interesting. You can see more of what we loved by “Liking” us on Facebook or following us on Twitter. Let’s connect and talk about some of these, we’d love to hear your thoughts!
Mobile Topics
Luxury Phone Brand Vertu Launches it’s first android-powered handset-for those with $10,000+ to spend
Twitter study shows it’s Mobile-First users are younger, more engaged and easier to market to
Google’s long awaited Nexus 4 wireless charger arrives for $59.99 looks like half of an 8 ball
Atlantic City firefighters use iPad bible app for swearing in ceremony
Alicia Keys tweets from iPhone blames hackers
Meet Winston, an iOS app that aggregates, curates, and then reads you the news
Social Topics
ISS astronaut Chris Hadfield tweets stunning photos and records live music ahead of Google+Hangout
7 awesome examples of surprise and delight that will blow your mind
Who’s going to capture the social news reader market? Thirst throws it’s hat in the ring
Web Topics
Dish’s Charlie Ergen: Netflix is going to change the paradigm for how people watch TV
Website auto resizes font by watching your face
Life and tiles of a Win8 convert: a soy latte, a lumina, and a crazy bum with a shopping cart
Following Raspberry Pi, the $89 Odroid U@ continues small, cheap computing movement