Stay up-to-date on the top tech news and trends each week with our Weekly Top 10 Tech. See something we missed? Tag @swebdevelopment on Facebook and Twitter! Here’s our top 10 for this week:
1. Twitter Has A New Kind Of Ad: Stickers
Twitter launched its photo stickers a few months ago, but now it is monetizing them and allowing brands to pay for their customized stickers to show up first in line, encouraging more people to use them.
2. Google Is Building A New Operating System
Although they have not made a formal announcement about it, Google is working on a new open source operating system called Fuschia. Not much is known about its purpose yet, but we do know that it is not Android-based or built on Linux.
3. Google’s New Video-Chatting App Is Finally Here
Google is joining the video-calling circle with its own app, Duo. The biggest bonus about it? It’s cross-platform, unlike FaceTime. The app was kept intentionally simple, but one of it’s funnest features–a video preview of the person calling–doesn’t work on iOS devices.
4. SEO Strategies And Techniques For 2016/17
Search engine algorithms are changing all the time, which makes knowing your SEO even more imperative. Here is an updated list of strategies to help you out.
5. Snapchat Is Acquiring Mobile Search App Vurb
Snapchat has been quiet on why they’ve bought out the mobile search startup, but it is speculated that you may soon be able to organize a night out with friends or take in the news of the day. Looks like Snapchat maybe be branching out to look a little more like Facebook this time around.
6. All Windows 10 PCs Will Support HoloLens Apps Next Year
Microsoft has announced that all new PCs will include a holographic shell which allows users to interact with 3D and 2D applications via augmented reality.
After popular demand from its advertisers, Pinterest has debuted video ads, joining the likes Facebook and Google in the advertising platform wars. Pinterest may have a heads up, since 55% of people on Pinterest are there to purchase versus 12% of people on social networks.
8. WordPress 4.6 Arrives With Streamlined Updates, Native Fonts, And Editor Improvements
The latest version of WordPress now includes a simpler work flow when adding new themes and plug ins, improvements to the editor, and the much lauded ability to save drafts locally so you don’t lose anything if your internet connection goes down.
9. Instagram Now Lets Users Discover New Events-Themed Videos
After creating its Snapchat-Like Stories feature, Instagram is now featuring live video channels in its search section. The battle ensues to see who will come out on top of the social video network.
10. 8 Tips For Designing A Chatbot Avatar
Looking to join the likes of President Obama and create your own Messenger Chatbot? One of the first things to consider is your avatar. Venture Beat shares 8 tips for doing just that.
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