CPS customers who want to keep their energy costs low and run their appliances more efficiently have a new pal in the CPS Energy Home Manager mobile app.
Downloading the iOS and Android available app, users can monitor, control, change, and set up a variety of profiles depending on their usage patterns. Do you turn your air conditioner on before you leave for work but don’t like coming home to a warm home after a long day in traffic our outside? This app allows you to adjust your thermostat from anywhere, at any time so you can cool the down just before you walk in. If you ever wonder where and when you are spending the most money, the app uses plot all of your energy usage into clean, simple graphs, and gives you insight into where you should make adjustments.
It’s been a real honor to partner with CPS Energy to make this mobile app a reality for all their customers. They had a problem and we were able to work with them to find a solution. That’s where we excel!
If you’re a CPS Energy Home Manager customer, download the CPS Energy Home Manager mobile app and give it a test drive. The app:
- Allows CPS customers to view and edit the current settings on thermostats and appliances (like hot water heaters, pool equipment, etc) in their home or business
- Shows recent electrical usage, broken down by thermostat/appliance, for the past week or 24 hours period
- Allows users to switch between programs and opt out of non-critical conservation events
- Gives users with multiple properties under CPS service the option to switch between those properties under a single login
If you’ve got a mobile app in mind, need a redesign for your website, or want some guidance on a social media content strategy, let us know.
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