Weekly Top 10 Tech News

Top Tech News

Stay up-to-date on the top tech news and trends each week with our Weekly Top 10 Tech. See something we missed? Tag @swebdevelopment on Facebook and Twitter! Here’s our top 10 for this week:

1. Facebook Enables Continuous Live Video

Facebook is now opening it’s Live Video capabilities to select broadcasters for continuous 24-hour streaming. Continuous videos will not be permanently saved and available for replay like regular Live videos are, but it does allow more professional broadcasters to use their own equipment rather than being restricted to a mobile phone for filming.

2. Instagram Is Finally Giving Marketers Analytics Tools

Instagram will soon have analytics tools similar to Facebook Insights for marketers to better understand the demographics and behavior of their followers. Although they are still being developed, it is expected that you’ll be able to see where your followers are located, their gender, as well as impressions and reach on each post, along with how many people are clicking through your profile link.

3. Twitter Is A/B Testing An Automatic Night Mode In Latest Alpha Version On Android

Although Twitter has not officially announced the testing of this new feature, Android users with the alpha version of the app have reported seeing a new day to night feature which changes the background color of the interface. At this point users cannot opt-out of this feature, but it is sure to go through more changes before it’s potentially launched to the masses.

4. Merge VR Goggles Are Now Available At Target 

Local tech company Merge has just announced a deal to sell it’s VR goggles in select stores and online at Target. If the price of VR goggles have been keeping you back, then this is definitely an affordable way to go. Merge even shared this awesome video to show just how durable the headset is.

5. Google Science Journal: A Digital Science Notebook For Kids

With Google’s new Science Journal app, kids can record observations using Android’s sensors to measure sound and light, and organize data. Google will also be developing kits to go along with the app.

6. Twitter Pulls Back From On-Platform Buying

Twitter has backed down from a Buy Now button it had been working to incorporate within the app. This change is partly in response to consumers not purchasing through social media sites as much as anticipated, but it’s also speculated that Twitter is refocusing to keep the app simple rather than add too many bells and whistles as it struggles to maintain its value.

7. Snapchat Added Over 300 New Stickers

Just when you thought Snapchat couldn’t get any funner, the popular app has just released 300 new stickers to add to your snaps. The stickers will follow people and objects in your videos, adjusting in size as needed. It’s no secret that Snapchat is dominating among teens and it doesn’t look like it’ll be losing their attention any time soon.

8. Google’s Plan To Kill Passwords

Google is working alongside several large financial institutions in an effort to test new password-replacement technology, or Trust API. Many devices operating on the Google Android system already offer alternatives to passwords, but the new password replacement project is supposed to be more advanced, secure, and user-friendly.

9. Microsoft Is Banning Easy-To-Guess Passwords

In a similar move to increase account security, Microsoft will now be banning passwords included on their most hacked passwords list, encouraging users to think a little harder.

10. Osmo Coding Teaches Kids To Program Using Blocks And An iPad

Children’s tech brand Osmo has expanded its mission to teaching kids programming through its new off shoot, Osmo Coding. Using nothing more than an iPad and some blocks, Osmo Coding aims to teach kids how to code through its gaming program app. As the efforts to teach kids to code grows–and Congress talks about making coding a necessary part of education, it’s great to see how companies are making coding more accessible.

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Read our Weekly Top 10 Tech News post on January 27, 2017

Read our Weekly Top 10 Tech News post on July 21, 2017

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